Hannah Beck
MS Pharm Sci Student - Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Healthcare, University of Cincinnati
BA Biology, Oakland University
LAT, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Research Interests
Precision medicine using genomics/genetics as a key driver of patient treatment plan decisions
Drug discovery and development
Email: behannah@umich.edu
Mentors who have altered my life: My previous PI, Dr. William King, inspired me to expand my translational skills into clinical trial research and gave me the laboratory experience and development to be a better scientist. My previous supervisor, Hamid Rahbarwoohi, gave me the guidance to be a better professional but also the support and courage to continue my education and strive for more.
In my time off, I enjoy: Reading, crocheting, running and circus arts training in contortion, juggling and hand balance.
What profession, other than your own, would you enjoy? I had always dreamed of becoming a circus performer.
Select Publications/Poster Presentations
Olivia Swam, Anbarasu Kumaraswamy, Hannah Beck, Westbrook T, Choi Y, Kasputis A, Ravikumar V, McMurray K, Muschong K, Caldwell-Smith C, Bell J, Rabban E, Cao X, Robinson D, Wu Y, Zhao K, Kumar-Sinha C, Reichert Z, Rao A, Mrgan T, Chinnaiyan A, Yoon E, Alumkal J. The Michigan ONCOlogy Multi-omic Assessment of Tumor Change and Heterogeneity (MiONCOMATCH) to Study Treatment Resistance in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Rogel Cancer Center, Dept of Internal Medicine Hem/Onc, University of Michigan Ann Arbor. 2024 RNA Symposium. 2024
Mamiko Niwa, Anderson M, Beck HN, Bauer D, and King WM. Change in head orientation and stability after exposure to intense noise in rats. Kresge Hearing Research Institute, Dept of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Conference 2023
Mamiko Niwa, Anderson M, Beck HN, Bauer D, and King WM. Change in head orientation and stability due to the exposure of intense noise or intratympanic injection of sodium arsanilate. Kresge Hearing Research Institute, Dept of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Society For Neuroscience (SFN) 2022
Niwa M, Anderson M, Beck HN, Bauer D, and King WM. Head movement in response to on- and off-axis angular whole-body rotations in rats exposed to intense noise or intratympanic injection of sodium arsanilate. Kresge Hearing Research Institute, Dept of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Conference 2021